MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2020
9:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. | Laval Senior Academy
A conference for all school board employees and partners
125$/person (includes health break and lunch) first come, first served
Practical coping tools for anxiety management
Dr. Jewel Perlin
Anxiety disorders affect 5% of the Canadian household population, causing mild to severe impairment. Through this stress and anxiety keynote, you will develop an understanding of anxiety and become aware of the signs and symptoms. The participants will be introduced to the latest research and knowledge about anxiety management strategies. They will learn practical coping tools needs to reduce the symptoms. They will learn ways to build daily anxiety management practices and a wellness action plan. Participants will walk away with specific tools they can start using right away to reduce their anxiety and increase their wellness.
Dr. Jewel Perlin is a passionate and empathetic psychologist who divides her time between her clinical practice, training and supervision, facilitating workshops, and a psychological expert on television.
In her clinical practice at Concordia University Counseling and Psychological Services, she delivers cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and other evidence-based treatments to the university students. Dr. Jewel Perlin has over 10 years of experience working as a guidance counselor and psychologist in Montreal high schools. She also provides training and supervision to interns and colleagues as they acquire skills to deliver CBT in their own practice.
In her consulting work, Dr. Jewel Perlin has been a facilitator on self-care, stress management, and work life balance at AAESQ, LBPSB, SWLSB, EAAWQ, and Scotia Bank. Dr. Jewel Perlin has been a guest on Montreal City TV Breakfast Television show since 2013.
Dr. Jewel Perlin received her PhD from McGill University. Dr. Jewel Perlin is a member The Order of Psychologists of Quebec and The Order of Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists of Quebec.
Workshop 1- The explosive student: why it happens and what to do (COMPLET)
Eva de Gosztonyi
Schools are struggling with students who experience frequent and intense explosions. In order to effectively intervene, we must first understand the origins of this challenging behaviour, whether the student is in Kindergarten, Elementary or High School. This presentation will reveal the underlying emotion, which is frustration, and then explain why certain students have a hard time managing their frustration. We will delve into the neuroscience surrounding this emotion. Finally, we will look at ways of intervening that allow us to avoid certain pitfalls and that have proven to be effective.
Eva de Gosztonyi, M.A. is a psychologist who has worked for over 40 years in schools across Canada. She is the Co-ordinator of the Centre of Excellence for Behaviour Management, a support to the English School Boards of Quebec, helping them to provide effective interventions for students with behavioural challenges. Eva bases her interventions on the current brain and trauma research, and on practices that are congruent with the Neufeld attachment-based developmental paradigm.
Workshop 2- Social emotional learning (COMPLET)
Dr. Gerry Weintraub & Dr. Elana Bloom
Centre of Excellence for Mental Health
This workshop will provide a summary of Social and Emotional Learning as a framework to support the mental health and wellbeing for youth. Participants will be engaged to explore their current practices promoting students social emotional learning and how these practices can be further expanded to go beyond program and become part of school culture.
Dr. Gerry Weintraub has been working as a school psychologist for over thirty years. He is currently the co-coordinator of the Centre of Excellence for Mental Health.
Dr. Elana Bloom is a psychologist and coordinator of the Family School and Support Treatment Team at the Lester B. Pearson School Board. She is also co-coordinator of the Centre of Excellence for Mental Health.
Workshop 3 – Work/life balance, self-Care, and resilience
Dr. Jewel Perlin
1 in 4 Canadian workers described their day-to-day lives as highly stressful. Finding a suitable balance and juggling the demands between work and daily living is a challenge that school board workers (administrators/ teachers/ professionals/ support staff) face. The ability to successfully combine work, family commitments, and personal life is important for our happiness and wellness.
This interactive, informative, and practical workshop focuses on understanding the key concepts of work life balance, self-care, and resiliency. The participants will be introduced to a multidimensional model of self-care. They will learn ways to build daily self-care practices and maintain balance using the principals of positive psychology. Participants will discover resiliency strategies that can improve their self-care and happiness. Participants will walk away with a personal self-care and wellness action plan to help them thrive.
Dr. Jewel Perlin is a passionate and empathetic psychologist who divides her time between her clinical practice, training and supervision, facilitating workshops, and a psychological expert on television.
In her clinical practice at Concordia University Counseling and Psychological Services, she delivers cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and other evidence-based treatments to the university students. Dr. Jewel Perlin has over 10 years of experience working as a guidance counselor and psychologist in Montreal high schools. She also provides training and supervision to interns and colleagues as they acquire skills to deliver CBT in their own practice.
In her consulting work, Dr. Jewel Perlin has been a facilitator on self-care, stress management, and work life balance at AAESQ, LBPSB, SWLSB, EAAWQ, and Scotia Bank. She has been a guest on Montreal City TV Breakfast Television show since 2013.
Dr. Jewel Perlin received her PhD from McGill University. She is a member The Order of Psychologists of Quebec and The Order of Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists of Quebec.
Workshop 4 – Supporting students with an ASD in an inclusive classroom (COMPLET)
Marla Gable
Coordinator, Resource and Training Centre, Giant Steps School
How students express and deal with their emotions? We will discuss the base root to emotions and go over concrete strategies you can use to support your students while keeping yourself safe as well.
Workshop 5 – (en français) Utiliser les bons outils sensoriels pour aider les élèves à apprendre (NON DISPONIBLE)
Patrick Major
Comment utiliser à son plein potentiel les outils sensoriels dont je dispose pour aider les jeunes à apprendre? Quels sont les meilleurs jeux qui aident les élèves à réguler leurs sens? Qu’existe t-il de vraiment efficace pour que toute la classe bouge en même temps pour se recentrer? Cette conférence présentera de nouveaux moyens, des exemples concrets et suggestions amusantes et qui s’intègrent bien dans le quotidien scolaire.
Gradué en 1991 de l’Université de Montréal, Patrick fonde la clinique Option Enfance: ergothérapie-conseil en 1996, qui se distingue par une approche dans le milieu de vie des enfants. Avant-gardiste dans le domaine de l’intervention précoce en garderie et milieu scolaire, Patrick se dévoue à faire changer les perceptions sociales pour l’intégration des enfants handicapés. Patrick est reconnu pour son implication auprès de nombreuses associations de parents à titre de consultant et intervenant ressource. Copropriétaire de l’entreprise Kit Planète, une boutique en ligne, Patrick désire maintenant rendre accessible aux parents et intervenants des produits de qualité répondant aux besoins des enfants.
Workshop 1- The explosive student: why it happens and what to do
Eva de Gosztonyi
Schools are struggling with students who experience frequent and intense explosions. In order to effectively intervene, we must first understand the origins of this challenging behaviour, whether the student is in Kindergarten, Elementary or High School. This presentation will reveal the underlying emotion, which is frustration, and then explain why certain students have a hard time managing their frustration. We will delve into the neuroscience surrounding this emotion. Finally, we will look at ways of intervening that allow us to avoid certain pitfalls and that have proven to be effective.
Eva de Gosztonyi, M.A. is a psychologist who has worked for over 40 years in schools across Canada. She is the Co-ordinator of the Centre of Excellence for Behaviour Management, a support to the English School Boards of Quebec, helping them to provide effective interventions for students with behavioural challenges. Eva bases her interventions on the current brain and trauma research, and on practices that are congruent with the Neufeld attachment-based developmental paradigm.
Workshop 2- Social emotional learning
Dr. Gerry Weintraub & Dr. Elana Bloom
Centre of Excellence for Mental Health
This workshop will provide a summary of Social and Emotional Learning as a framework to support the mental health and wellbeing for youth. Participants will be engaged to explore their current practices promoting students social emotional learning and how these practices can be further expanded to go beyond program and become part of school culture.
Dr. Gerry Weintraub has been working as a school psychologist for over thirty years. He is currently the co-coordinator of the Centre of Excellence for Mental Health.
Dr. Elana Bloom is a psychologist and coordinator of the Family School and Support Treatment Team at the Lester B. Pearson School Board. She is also co-coordinator of the Centre of Excellence for Mental Health.
Workshop 3 – Work/life balance, self-Care, and resilience (COMPLET)
Dr. Jewel Perlin
1 in 4 Canadian workers described their day-to-day lives as highly stressful. Finding a suitable balance and juggling the demands between work and daily living is a challenge that school board workers (administrators/ teachers/ professionals/ support staff) face. The ability to successfully combine work, family commitments, and personal life is important for our happiness and wellness.
This interactive, informative, and practical workshop focuses on understanding the key concepts of work life balance, self-care, and resiliency. The participants will be introduced to a multidimensional model of self-care. They will learn ways to build daily self-care practices and maintain balance using the principals of positive psychology. Participants will discover resiliency strategies that can improve their self-care and happiness. Participants will walk away with a personal self-care and wellness action plan to help them thrive.
Dr. Jewel Perlin is a passionate and empathetic psychologist who divides her time between her clinical practice, training and supervision, facilitating workshops, and a psychological expert on television.
In her clinical practice at Concordia University Counseling and Psychological Services, she delivers cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and other evidence-based treatments to the university students. Dr. Jewel Perlin has over 10 years of experience working as a guidance counselor and psychologist in Montreal high schools. She also provides training and supervision to interns and colleagues as they acquire skills to deliver CBT in their own practice.
In her consulting work, Dr. Jewel Perlin has been a facilitator on self-care, stress management, and work life balance at AAESQ, LBPSB, SWLSB, EAAWQ, and Scotia Bank. She has been a guest on Montreal City TV Breakfast Television show since 2013.
Dr. Jewel Perlin received her PhD from McGill University. She is a member The Order of Psychologists of Quebec and The Order of Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists of Quebec.
Workshop 4 – Supporting students with an ASD in an inclusive classroom
Marla Gable
Coordinator, Resource and Training Centre, Giant Steps School
How students express and deal with their emotions? We will discuss the base root to emotions and go over concrete strategies you can use to support your students while keeping yourself safe as well.
Workshop 5 – (en français) Utiliser les bons outils sensoriels pour aider les élèves à apprendre (NON DISPONIBLE)
Patrick Major
Comment utiliser à son plein potentiel les outils sensoriels dont je dispose pour aider les jeunes à apprendre? Quels sont les meilleurs jeux qui aident les élèves à réguler leurs sens? Qu’existe t-il de vraiment efficace pour que toute la classe bouge en même temps pour se recentrer? Cette conférence présentera de nouveaux moyens, des exemples concrets et suggestions amusantes et qui s’intègrent bien dans le quotidien scolaire.
Gradué en 1991 de l’Université de Montréal, Patrick fonde la clinique Option Enfance: ergothérapie-conseil en 1996, qui se distingue par une approche dans le milieu de vie des enfants. Avant-gardiste dans le domaine de l’intervention précoce en garderie et milieu scolaire, Patrick se dévoue à faire changer les perceptions sociales pour l’intégration des enfants handicapés. Patrick est reconnu pour son implication auprès de nombreuses associations de parents à titre de consultant et intervenant ressource. Copropriétaire de l’entreprise Kit Planète, une boutique en ligne, Patrick désire maintenant rendre accessible aux parents et intervenants des produits de qualité répondant aux besoins des enfants.